The Biya Regime has the unprecedented capacity to generate so many scandals of catastrophic management and bad governance in a very short space of time, that we its citizens can get caught up in the details of scandal after scandal and forget our primary and most important goal which is to rid ourselves of these people who have proven time after time and in every conceivable domain of our lives, that they are both unwilling and incapable of running our country.
Within just 10 days the Biya Regime has reminded us that:
So yes it is easy to get caught up in denouncing scandal after scandal of this regime and trying to figure out the details of each act of bad governance.
It is also a waste of time and a way for us to remain accomplices to our own demise.
We as a people really have just one objective and no number of scandals will alter this.
We must put an end to this regime and enter a political transition to build a democratic, just and prosperous Cameroon. This requires several steps:
1) Put an end to this regime, without violence, with determination and with civil protest.
2) Define for ourselves the foundation of a democratic nation: rewrite our constitution, reform our electoral law, set up the pillars for social and economic growth
3) Hold credible and legitimate elections that will bring new political leaders to power who are accountable to us as a people and whose terms in office are limited.
4) Build a new Cameroon where there is justice, access to basic social services and governance with integrity and accountability
We are at step one. The first step to bringing an end to this regime by non-violent protest is to overcome our fear. An easy way to overcome our fear is to Wear Black Every Friday. It is impossible for our government to arrest or even harass thousands of Cameroonians wearing black. It is also impossible for them to ignore thousands of Cameroonians wearing black.
What will change if you wear black? Many things:
We as Cameroonians have a choice. We can continue counting and describing the scandals and doing nothing. Nothing will change.
We can start taking action by Wearing Black On Fridays. It is More Important Than Ever to Wear Black This Friday! The government has already shown us that this speaks to them. Let us speak louder and stronger.
It is up to you and me. This is our country.
#StandUpForCameroon #WearBlackThisFriday #TousEnNoirVendredi